DATE: 2025-03-01 TIME: 23:33:39 run inlist_fast_scan_grid_header DATE: 2025-03-01 TIME: 23:33:39 read inlist_fast_scan_grid read inlist_astero_search_controls call adipls to read ************************************************************* In this version, the maximum number of mesh points is 20000 Maximum number of modes for internal storage is 20000 ************************************************************* -------------------------------------------------- Entering adipls with parameter passing i_paramset = 1 Files needed: Model input on unit imlds (default 2) Trial frequency input on unit itrds (default 10). Optional. Grand summary on unit idsgsm (default 11). Short summary on unit idsssm (default 15). Eigenfunction on unit idsefn (default 4) (optional). Rotational kernel on unit idsrkr (default 12) (optional). Gamma1 kernel on unit idsgkr (default 13) (optional). Printed output on unit istdpr, if not default Input format: input ends with EOF or a line containing -1. if file name is given as 0, /dev/null is used for the file. files set in s/r ofiles: 2 'amdl.mesa ' @ 9 'ttt.adipls.prt ' @ 11 'agsm.mesa ' @ 15 'ttt.adipls.ssm ' @ 16 'ttt.adipls.fsm ' @ -1 '' @ ---------------------------------------------- cntrd? ifind,xmod,imlds,in,nprmod? -1 0.0000000000000000 2 1 0 xtrnct,ntrnsf,imdmod? 0.0000000000000000 0 0 el,nsel,els1,dels,dfsig1,dfsig2,nsig1,nsig2? 1.0000000000000000 0 10.000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 1 1 itrsig,sig1,istsig,inomd1,itrds? 0 10.000000000000000 1 1 10 dfsig,nsig,iscan,sig2? 0.0000000000000000 1 1 0.0000000000000000 eltrw1, eltrw2, sgtrw1, sgtrw2? 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 cgrav? 6.6732000000000005E-008 iplneq,iturpr,icow,alb? 0 0 0 1.0000000000000000 istsbc,fctsbc,ibotbc,fcttbc? 1 0.0000000000000000 0 0.0000000000000000 mdintg,iriche,xfit,fcnorm,eps,epssol,itmax,dsigre? 1 0 0.50000000000000000 0.50000000000000000 2.0000000000000001E-013 1.0000000000000001E-005 8 0.0000000000000000 fsig,dsigmx,irsevn,xmnevn,nftmax,itsord? 1.0000000000000000E-003 0.10000000000000001 2 0.0000000000000000 3 0 istdpr,nout,nprcen,irsord,iekinr? 6 50 0 0 0 iper,ivarf,kvarf,npvarf,nfmode? 0 1 2 0 0 irotkr,nprtkr,igm1kr,npgmkr,ispcpr? 0 0 0 50 0 icaswn, sigwn1, sigwn2, frqwn1, frqwn2, iorwn1, iorwn2, frlwn1, frlwn2? -1 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 0 -1 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 End parameter input back from 1st call on adipls search_type == scan_grid grid total 4 num_param(i) initial_mass 1 2 num_param(i) initial_Y 2 1 num_param(i) initial_FeH 3 1 num_param(i) alpha 5 2 num_param(i) f_ov 8 1 eval1 sample_number 1 initial_mass 9.8999999999999999D-01 initial_Y 2.6700000000000002D-01 initial_FeH 0.0000000000000000D+00 alpha 1.7000000000000000D+00 f_ov 1.4999999999999999D-02 reading user weak rate file /rds/projects/2017/ballwh-stellar-modelling/.mesa_test/work/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5 version_number fecf57323-dirty read inlist_fast_scan_grid PGSTAR forced off enter astero_extras_controls create pre-main-sequence model species mass 8 9.8999999999999999D-01 relax_num_steps 50 10 5.954494 4565.171 -12.851780 -12.851780 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -6.375817 410 0 -5.0000E+00 5.954362 0.949371 -99.000000 -14.249646 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071841 3 1.0000E-04 -1.858773 1.491264 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.656176 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 max_dt solver rejected trial model s% model_number 18 s% solver_call_number 18 nz 401 s% num_retries 0 dt 3.1557600000000002D+02 log dt/secyer -4.9999999999999991D+00 retry: max residual jumped -- give up in solver 18 20 5.954501 4439.507 -12.851790 -12.851790 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -6.375818 401 1 -5.0000E+00 5.954363 0.949227 -99.000000 -14.249655 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071841 3 1.9000E-04 -1.858772 1.442487 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.634407 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 max increase 30 5.954502 4369.978 -12.851795 -12.851795 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -6.375818 400 1 -5.0000E+00 5.954364 0.949123 -99.000000 -14.249660 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071841 3 2.9000E-04 -1.858771 1.414856 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.616712 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 max_dt 40 5.954502 4328.129 -12.851798 -12.851798 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -6.375818 402 1 -5.0000E+00 5.954364 0.949048 -99.000000 -14.249663 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071841 3 3.9000E-04 -1.858770 1.397991 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.604175 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 max_dt 50 5.954502 4298.317 -12.851800 -12.851800 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -6.375818 400 1 -5.0000E+00 5.954364 0.948991 -99.000000 -14.249665 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071841 2 4.9000E-04 -1.858770 1.385869 -28.597850 -99.000000 -7.594455 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 max_dt finished doing relax num steps relax_to_radiative_core 10 5.954503 4140.252 -12.851803 -12.851803 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -6.375817 399 0 -2.2907E+00 5.954365 0.948481 -99.000000 -14.249669 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071841 3 1.0230E-02 -1.858769 1.319763 -28.296820 -99.000000 -7.533834 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 max increase waiting for fully convective core to develop 10 3.3877449272355359D-01 20 5.954587 4131.032 -12.850750 -12.850750 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -6.375812 397 0 7.1957E-01 5.954449 0.948318 -99.000000 -14.248615 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071834 3 1.0486E+01 -1.858640 1.315564 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.529677 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 max increase waiting for fully convective core to develop 20 1.1665090727826406D-01 30 5.996841 4162.283 -12.265443 -12.265443 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -6.240698 402 0 3.5320E+00 5.996841 0.905429 -99.000000 -13.663308 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071558 3 8.5036E+03 -1.736479 1.242878 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.491334 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 varcontrol relative mass of radiative core still tiny 30 7.8128473211813709D-08 40 6.174874 4271.192 -9.897823 -9.897823 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -5.623627 416 0 4.1116E+00 6.174874 0.721194 -99.000000 -11.295683 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071580 3 8.8877E+04 -1.201981 0.919277 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.315751 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 varcontrol relative mass of radiative core still tiny 40 7.8128473877947524D-08 50 6.352210 4325.732 -7.780497 -7.780497 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -5.009021 429 0 4.6211E+00 6.352210 0.539460 -99.000000 -9.178342 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071594 3 3.4912E+05 -0.669723 0.577852 -99.000000 -99.000000 -7.121499 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 varcontrol relative mass of radiative core still tiny 50 7.8128473433858314D-08 60 6.525219 4306.118 -5.916856 -5.916856 0.990000 0.990000 0.700000 0.001010 0.280000 -4.408780 442 0 5.1433E+00 6.525219 0.363301 -99.000000 -7.314659 -99.000000 0.000000 0.280000 0.009381 0.020000 0.071610 3 1.2053E+06 -0.150410 0.217639 -21.674160 -99.000000 -6.901072 0.000000 0.003447 0.002085 0.020000 0.000E+00 varcontrol relative mass of radiative core still tiny 60 7.8128473433858314D-08 finished relax to begin radiative core 65 1.2153708571724165D-02 finished doing relax_to_radiative_core set_initial_number_retries 0 set_uniform_initial_composition initial_h1 7.1656907119744273D-01 initial_h2 0.0000000000000000D+00 initial_he3 2.6700000000000002D-05 initial_he4 2.6697330000000002D-01 metals GS98 relax_initial_mass to new_mass 9.8999999999999999D-01 net name set_cumulative_energy_error 0.0000000000000000D+00 kap_option gs98 kap_CO_option gs98_co kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_gs98 OMP_NUM_THREADS 16 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc_tot Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Z_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ save LOGS/ for model 1 10 6.596116 4260.939 -5.147257 -5.147257 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.092810 446 0 -4.2874E+00 6.596116 0.283265 -99.000000 -6.545019 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071974 10 2.5959E-04 0.088269 0.039245 -20.771070 -99.000000 -6.741554 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.6169960787389222D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -11.5796206813178433 20 6.596117 4289.419 -5.147261 -5.147261 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.092810 446 0 -3.4956E+00 6.596117 0.283310 -99.000000 -6.545023 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071974 6 1.8669E-03 0.088271 0.050907 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.755307 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.7647136293632789D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -11.2777353217674836 30 6.596118 4294.568 -5.147264 -5.147264 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.092810 446 0 -2.7037E+00 6.596118 0.283334 -99.000000 -6.545026 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071974 8 1.1819E-02 0.088273 0.053039 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.757774 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.6968433985856375D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -11.1000147669547200 40 6.596119 4294.634 -5.147263 -5.147263 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.092810 446 0 -1.9119E+00 6.596119 0.283344 -99.000000 -6.545025 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071974 2 7.3439E-02 0.088274 0.053086 -20.771070 -99.000000 -6.757818 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.7687059623556369D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.9740431257017903 50 6.596119 4294.710 -5.147263 -5.147263 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.092810 446 0 -1.1201E+00 6.596119 0.283346 -99.000000 -6.545025 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071974 2 4.5497E-01 0.088274 0.053122 -20.594978 -99.000000 -6.757857 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.7327744914159677D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.8765276199228058 save LOGS/ for model 50 save photos/x050 for model 50 60 6.596119 4294.712 -5.147261 -5.147261 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.092809 446 0 -3.2831E-01 6.596119 0.283346 -99.000000 -6.545023 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071974 2 2.8173E+00 0.088275 0.053122 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.757858 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.7906626904378433D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.7950572388249881 70 6.596120 4294.711 -5.147251 -5.147251 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.092805 446 0 4.6351E-01 6.596120 0.283345 -99.000000 -6.545013 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071974 2 1.7444E+01 0.088278 0.053120 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.757856 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.4073897974017022D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.7290125062159607 80 6.596126 4294.707 -5.147189 -5.147189 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.092779 446 0 1.2553E+00 6.596126 0.283339 -99.000000 -6.544951 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071974 2 1.0801E+02 0.088298 0.053105 -20.373130 -99.000000 -6.757846 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.7327251275591334D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.6712565778810902 90 6.596161 4294.678 -5.146804 -5.146804 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.092618 446 0 2.0471E+00 6.596161 0.283299 -99.000000 -6.544566 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071975 2 6.6878E+02 0.088421 0.053014 -20.470040 -99.000000 -6.757784 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.3492437018060081D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.6215257253152355 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc_tot Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Z_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100 6.596381 4294.500 -5.144425 -5.144425 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.091621 446 0 2.8389E+00 6.596381 0.283053 -99.000000 -6.542187 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.071980 2 4.1409E+03 0.089181 0.052450 -21.072100 -99.000000 -6.757403 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.6311371997081958D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.5768966851774859 save LOGS/ for model 100 save photos/x100 for model 100 110 6.597729 4293.400 -5.129811 -5.129811 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.085467 446 0 3.6308E+00 6.597729 0.281542 -99.000000 -6.527572 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.072016 2 2.5639E+04 0.093861 0.048983 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.755055 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.5144003588981888D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.5372110363044023 120 6.605618 4286.704 -5.043481 -5.043481 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -4.048048 446 0 4.4226E+00 6.605618 0.272585 -99.000000 -6.441236 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.072255 3 1.5875E+05 0.121853 0.028357 -20.771070 -99.000000 -6.741022 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.7281497004594354D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.4367797226603738 130 6.642313 4251.742 -4.624964 -4.624964 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -3.839508 449 0 5.2144E+00 6.642313 0.228487 -99.000000 -6.022685 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.074219 4 9.8295E+05 0.266879 -0.074065 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.670232 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 2.6863737532016449D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.3295738622711344 140 6.734626 4200.903 -3.553643 -3.553643 0.990000 0.990000 0.716569 0.000830 0.267000 -3.119418 459 0 5.8337E+00 6.734626 0.119283 -99.000000 -4.951171 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267000 0.007707 0.016431 0.084625 4 5.2758E+06 0.714763 -0.313370 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.509689 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err 2.3793052661060514D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.2336023814696375 150 6.849367 4468.415 -2.403449 -2.403449 0.990000 0.990000 0.716565 0.000830 0.267000 -2.270122 464 0 5.9533E+00 6.849367 0.046966 -99.000000 -3.800337 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267004 0.007707 0.016431 0.097785 4 1.3820E+07 1.247308 -0.350760 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.550197 0.000000 0.002832 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err 1.9878688126233177D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.1371729617796333 save LOGS/ for model 150 save photos/x150 for model 150 160 7.022050 5285.530 -0.992372 -0.992372 0.990000 0.990000 0.716454 0.000834 0.267000 -1.538047 476 0 6.0501E+00 7.022050 0.026119 -53.204418 -2.402454 -99.000000 0.000000 0.267114 0.007707 0.016431 0.101158 5 2.5115E+07 1.809426 -0.100713 -16.255620 -99.000000 -6.700369 0.000000 0.002829 0.001713 0.016431 0.000E+00 lgRho_cntr rel_E_err 1.6664953111308660D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.2884906634575586 170 7.130878 5552.416 -0.154250 -0.154250 0.990000 0.990000 0.715085 0.002110 0.267000 -1.711054 510 0 6.8211E+00 7.130878 -0.043457 -47.224815 -1.744146 -99.000000 0.000000 0.268301 0.007706 0.016431 0.084692 5 5.8650E+07 1.902874 -0.154292 -15.255620 -99.000000 -6.673637 0.000000 0.001734 0.001713 0.016614 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 6.1076745969091012D-14 log_rel_run_E_err -10.3518393101469073 chi2_delta_nu > limit 175 22.46 9.00 161.74 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 176 20.86 9.00 161.57 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 177 19.50 9.00 161.42 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 178 18.29 9.00 161.28 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 179 17.21 9.00 161.15 157.00 180 7.130705 5570.201 -0.141791 -0.141791 0.990000 0.990000 0.710211 0.003925 0.267000 -1.667680 502 0 7.0000E+00 7.130705 -0.039795 -47.181621 -1.790206 -99.000000 0.000000 0.272916 0.007706 0.016431 0.086239 5 1.5614E+08 1.921596 -0.141412 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.682192 0.000000 0.000179 0.001713 0.016873 0.000E+00 max_dt rel_E_err 2.1512046390451801D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.3355187402487818 chi2_delta_nu > limit 180 16.25 9.00 161.03 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 181 15.42 9.00 160.93 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 182 14.64 9.00 160.83 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 183 13.91 9.00 160.73 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 184 13.24 9.00 160.64 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 185 12.62 9.00 160.55 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 186 12.05 9.00 160.47 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 187 11.51 9.00 160.39 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 188 11.00 9.00 160.32 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 189 10.52 9.00 160.24 157.00 190 7.130797 5574.959 -0.136788 -0.136788 0.990000 0.990000 0.704374 0.004117 0.267000 -1.653980 500 0 7.0000E+00 7.130797 -0.038208 -47.137092 -1.794608 -99.000000 0.000000 0.278726 0.007705 0.016431 0.086986 5 2.5614E+08 1.928808 -0.136755 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.685210 0.000000 0.000015 0.001713 0.016900 0.000E+00 max_dt rel_E_err 1.4893053852196330D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.3197263539899726 chi2_delta_nu > limit 190 10.06 9.00 160.17 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 191 9.62 9.00 160.10 157.00 chi2_delta_nu > limit 192 9.22 9.00 160.04 157.00 redo with smaller timestep for "warm" limit 193 5.0000E+06 chi2_delta_nu > limit 193 9.03 9.00 160.00 157.00 redo with smaller timestep for "hot" limit 194 2.5000E+06 rn1 failed ******************** fast_scan_grid failed: non-zero exit code ********************