DATE: 2025-03-01 TIME: 23:33:46 run inlist_astero_adipls_header DATE: 2025-03-01 TIME: 23:33:46 read inlist_astero_adipls read inlist_astero_search_controls nn_redist 2001 call srdist to read -------------------------------------------------- Entering srdist nn,icnmsh? 601 0 icase,icvzbn,nsmth,xdisc,dlxdsc,dlgrmx,cacvzb? 0 0 0 0.0000000000000000 1.0000000474974513E-003 10.000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 cg,cx,ca,cdgr,cddgr,cdg,alphsf,adda4,accrmn? 1.0000000000000000 40.000000000000000 9.9999997764825821E-003 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 nout,cn,irsu,unew,iresa4 ? 100 2.0000000000000000 0 3.0000000000000000 0 nmodel,kmodel,itsaml,ioldex,idsin,idsout? 0 0 0 0 2 3 Using new discontinuity criterion, ndisc = 60 End parameter input End parameter input Exiting srdist -------------------------------------------------- back from 1st call on srdist call adipls to read ************************************************************* In this version, the maximum number of mesh points is 20000 Maximum number of modes for internal storage is 20000 ************************************************************* -------------------------------------------------- Entering adipls with parameter passing i_paramset = 1 Files needed: Model input on unit imlds (default 2) Trial frequency input on unit itrds (default 10). Optional. Grand summary on unit idsgsm (default 11). Short summary on unit idsssm (default 15). Eigenfunction on unit idsefn (default 4) (optional). Rotational kernel on unit idsrkr (default 12) (optional). Gamma1 kernel on unit idsgkr (default 13) (optional). Printed output on unit istdpr, if not default Input format: input ends with EOF or a line containing -1. if file name is given as 0, /dev/null is used for the file. files set in s/r ofiles: 2 'amdl.mesa ' @ 9 'ttt.adipls.prt ' @ 11 'agsm.mesa ' @ 15 'ttt.adipls.ssm ' @ 16 'ttt.adipls.fsm ' @ -1 '' @ ---------------------------------------------- cntrd? ifind,xmod,imlds,in,nprmod? -1 0.0000000000000000 2 1 0 xtrnct,ntrnsf,imdmod? 0.0000000000000000 0 0 el,nsel,els1,dels,dfsig1,dfsig2,nsig1,nsig2? 1.0000000000000000 0 10.000000000000000 1.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 1 1 itrsig,sig1,istsig,inomd1,itrds? 0 10.000000000000000 1 1 10 dfsig,nsig,iscan,sig2? 0.0000000000000000 1 1 0.0000000000000000 eltrw1, eltrw2, sgtrw1, sgtrw2? 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 cgrav? 6.6732000000000005E-008 iplneq,iturpr,icow,alb? 0 0 0 1.0000000000000000 istsbc,fctsbc,ibotbc,fcttbc? 1 0.0000000000000000 0 0.0000000000000000 mdintg,iriche,xfit,fcnorm,eps,epssol,itmax,dsigre? 1 0 0.50000000000000000 0.50000000000000000 2.0000000000000001E-013 1.0000000000000001E-005 8 0.0000000000000000 fsig,dsigmx,irsevn,xmnevn,nftmax,itsord? 1.0000000000000000E-003 0.10000000000000001 2 0.0000000000000000 3 0 istdpr,nout,nprcen,irsord,iekinr? 6 50 0 0 0 iper,ivarf,kvarf,npvarf,nfmode? 0 1 2 0 0 irotkr,nprtkr,igm1kr,npgmkr,ispcpr? 0 0 0 50 0 icaswn, sigwn1, sigwn2, frqwn1, frqwn2, iorwn1, iorwn2, frlwn1, frlwn2? -1 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 0 -1 0.0000000000000000 -1.0000000000000000 End parameter input back from 1st call on adipls search_type == use_first_values reading user weak rate file /rds/projects/2017/ballwh-stellar-modelling/.mesa_test/work/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5 version_number fecf57323-dirty read inlist_astero_adipls PGSTAR forced off enter astero_extras_controls set_initial_number_retries 0 net name set_cumulative_energy_error 0.0000000000000000D+00 kap_option gs98 kap_CO_option gs98_co kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_gs98 OMP_NUM_THREADS 16 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc_tot Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Z_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 7.193685 6130.404 0.247820 0.247820 1.200000 1.200000 0.696942 0.004855 0.280000 -1.913228 1474 0 5.1188E+00 7.193685 0.059903 -43.904086 -1.344189 -99.000000 0.000000 0.282509 0.009377 0.020000 0.075432 3 4.7175E+05 1.918704 0.224456 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.974117 0.000000 0.000154 0.002085 0.020548 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 4.5488095125035904D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -11.1330381864538310 10 7.192471 6130.672 0.228530 0.228530 1.200000 1.200000 0.696804 0.004933 0.280000 -1.907167 1468 0 5.5147E+00 7.192471 0.060998 -43.962090 -1.365639 -99.000000 0.000000 0.282636 0.009377 0.020000 0.075693 3 1.6456E+06 1.919420 0.226723 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.975618 0.000000 0.000087 0.002085 0.020560 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 4.3892209928674924D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -11.0163750659373054 15 7.192198 6137.401 0.226797 0.226797 1.200000 1.200000 0.696450 0.005001 0.280000 -1.891306 1460 0 5.9106E+00 7.192198 0.063537 -43.960367 -1.375580 -99.000000 0.000000 0.282981 0.009376 0.020000 0.076121 5 4.5666E+06 1.925659 0.233705 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.981869 0.000000 0.000029 0.002085 0.020569 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 4.3149887438892758D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.9287579039944376 20 7.194049 6147.327 0.235034 0.235034 1.200000 1.200000 0.695506 0.005015 0.280000 -1.886349 1454 0 6.3065E+00 7.194049 0.064081 -43.857326 -1.373939 -99.000000 0.000000 0.283923 0.009374 0.020000 0.076134 5 1.1835E+07 1.930734 0.237601 -15.653560 -99.000000 -6.987079 0.000000 0.000019 0.002085 0.020570 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 4.4704092432949066D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.8558123936043369 25 7.195593 6151.934 0.238726 0.238726 1.200000 1.200000 0.693172 0.005021 0.280000 -1.885978 1454 0 6.7024E+00 7.195593 0.064250 -43.768018 -1.378211 -99.000000 0.000000 0.286258 0.009368 0.020000 0.076144 5 2.9921E+07 1.933805 0.239241 -15.176439 -99.000000 -6.989400 0.000000 0.000019 0.002085 0.020570 0.000E+00 max increase rel_E_err 4.3381353290346464D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.7927764865859839 30 7.197167 6155.705 0.242310 0.242310 1.200000 1.200000 0.687910 0.005032 0.280000 -1.885211 1458 0 7.0000E+00 7.197167 0.065338 -43.662020 -1.382068 -99.000000 0.000000 0.291522 0.009355 0.020000 0.076331 10 7.1934E+07 1.937832 0.242481 -15.653560 -99.000000 -6.992503 0.000000 0.000019 0.002085 0.020568 0.000E+00 max_dt rel_E_err 4.2821671397731200D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.7375390923985972 35 7.198574 6158.363 0.245505 0.245505 1.200000 1.200000 0.681445 0.005047 0.280000 -1.884157 1458 0 7.0000E+00 7.198574 0.066529 -43.561175 -1.382078 -99.000000 0.000000 0.297989 0.009338 0.020000 0.076614 10 1.2193E+08 1.942038 0.245613 -15.653560 -99.000000 -6.995230 0.000000 0.000019 0.002085 0.020566 0.000E+00 max_dt rel_E_err 4.4875351102593788D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.6885446589851423 40 7.199854 6160.486 0.248388 0.248388 1.200000 1.200000 0.674922 0.005063 0.280000 -1.883075 1458 0 7.0000E+00 7.199854 0.067660 -43.467175 -1.380275 -99.000000 0.000000 0.304514 0.009319 0.020000 0.076917 10 1.7193E+08 1.946086 0.248474 -15.176439 -99.000000 -6.997639 0.000000 0.000019 0.002085 0.020564 0.000E+00 max_dt rel_E_err 4.3871083446251195D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.6443329112921532 45 7.201088 6162.377 0.251139 0.251139 1.200000 1.200000 0.668349 0.005080 0.280000 -1.881967 1460 0 7.0000E+00 7.201088 0.068765 -43.375893 -1.377609 -99.000000 0.000000 0.311090 0.009299 0.020000 0.077231 10 2.2193E+08 1.950095 0.251216 -99.000000 -99.000000 -6.999908 0.000000 0.000019 0.002085 0.020561 0.000E+00 max_dt rel_E_err 4.3676238765702887D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.6040782170498513 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ step lg_Tmax Teff lg_LH lg_Lnuc_tot Mass H_rich H_cntr N_cntr Y_surf eta_cntr zones retry lg_dt_yrs lg_Tcntr lg_R lg_L3a lg_Lneu lg_Mdot He_core He_cntr O_cntr Z_surf gam_cntr iters age_yrs lg_Dcntr lg_L lg_LZ lg_Lphoto lg_Dsurf CO_core C_cntr Ne_cntr Z_cntr v_div_cs dt_limit __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 50 7.202305 6164.135 0.253824 0.253824 1.200000 1.200000 0.661728 0.005098 0.280000 -1.880839 1460 0 7.0000E+00 7.202305 0.069856 -43.285915 -1.374445 -99.000000 0.000000 0.317713 0.009279 0.020000 0.077555 10 2.7193E+08 1.954103 0.253895 -15.352530 -99.000000 -7.002102 0.000000 0.000020 0.002085 0.020558 0.000E+00 max_dt rel_E_err 4.3025824610703240D-13 log_rel_run_E_err -10.5674943342353309 rn1 failed ******************** astero_adipls failed: non-zero exit code ********************