run inlist_1.4M_ms_initial_model_header
DATE: 2025-01-08
TIME: 02:16:43
 reading user weak rate file /n/netscratch/conroy_lab/Lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.BwdES52BCN/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5
 version_number 7232323
 read inlist_1.4M_ms_initial_model

 The terminal output contains the following information

      'step' is the number of steps since the start of the run,
      'lg_dt' is log10 timestep in years,
      'age_yr' is the simulated years since the start run,
      'lg_Tcntr' is log10 center temperature (K),
      'lg_Dcntr' is log10 center density (g/cm^3),
      'lg_Tmax' is log10 max temperature (K),
      'Teff' is the surface temperature (K),
      'lg_R' is log10 surface radius (Rsun),
      'lg_L' is log10 surface luminosity (Lsun),
      'lg_LH' is log10 total PP and CNO hydrogen burning power (Lsun),
      'lg_L3a' is log10 total triple-alpha helium burning power (Lsun),
      'lg_gsurf' is log10 surface gravity,
      'lg_LNuc' is log10 nuclear power (Lsun),
      'lg_LNeu' is log10 total neutrino power (Lsun),
      'lg_Lphoto' is log10 total photodisintegration (Lsun),
      'Mass' is the total stellar baryonic mass (Msun),
      'lg_Mdot' is log10 magnitude of rate of change of mass (Msun/year),
      'lg_Dsurf' is log10 surface density (g/cm^3),
      'H_env' is the amount of mass where H is dominant,
      'He_core' is the largest mass where He is dominant.
      'CO_core' is the largest mass where CO is dominant.
      'H_cntr' is the center H1 mass fraction,
      'He_cntr' is the center He4 mass fraction,
      'C_cntr' is the center C12 mass fraction,
      'N_cntr' is the center N14 mass fraction,
      'O_cntr' is the center O16 mass fraction,
      'Ne_cntr' is the center Ne20 mass fraction,
      'gam_cntr' is the center plasma interaction parameter,
      'eta_cntr' is the center electron degeneracy parameter,
      'zones' is the number of zones in the current model,
      'iters' is the number of solver iterations for the current step,
      'retry' is the number of step retries required during the run,
      'dt_limit' is an indication of what limited the timestep.

 All this and more are saved in the LOGS directory during the run.
 create pre-main-sequence model
                                          species  mass          10    1.3999999999999997D+00

                                        relax_num_steps         300

write /n/netscratch/conroy_lab/Lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.BwdES52BCN/data/kap_data/cache/lowT_fa05_a09p_z0.01_x0.8.bin
write /n/netscratch/conroy_lab/Lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.BwdES52BCN/data/kap_data/cache/lowT_fa05_a09p_z0.02_x0.8.bin
 hydro_solver_step returned ierr          -1
 s% model_number           1
 nz        1636
 s% num_retries           0

 retry:  logRho < hydro_mtx_min_allowed_logRho           1       1
 retry: max residual jumped -- give up in solver       6
         50   5.477336   4619.264 -20.989028 -20.989028   1.400000   1.400000   0.717143   0.000742   0.268571  -8.639520    541      2
-5.0000E+00   5.477314   1.602024 -99.000000 -22.386896 -99.000000   0.000000   0.268571   0.006139   0.014286   0.057545      3
 4.8500E-04  -3.561519   2.817034 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.253986   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00        max_dt

        100   5.477336   4397.874 -20.989039 -20.989039   1.400000   1.400000   0.717143   0.000742   0.268571  -8.639520    540      2
-5.0000E+00   5.477315   1.601119 -99.000000 -22.386907 -99.000000   0.000000   0.268571   0.006139   0.014286   0.057545      3
 9.8500E-04  -3.561518   2.729903 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.227513   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00        max_dt

        150   5.477337   4281.012 -20.989043 -20.989043   1.400000   1.400000   0.717143   0.000742   0.268571  -8.639520    543      2
-5.0000E+00   5.477315   1.600538 -99.000000 -22.386911 -99.000000   0.000000   0.268571   0.006139   0.014286   0.057545      3
 1.4850E-03  -3.561518   2.681956 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.208974   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00        max_dt

        200   5.477337   4206.209 -20.989046 -20.989046   1.400000   1.400000   0.717143   0.000742   0.268571  -8.639520    542      2
-5.0000E+00   5.477315   1.600107 -99.000000 -22.386914 -99.000000   0.000000   0.268571   0.006139   0.014286   0.057545      2
 1.9850E-03  -3.561518   2.650472 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.194333   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00        max_dt

        250   5.477337   4153.398 -20.989046 -20.989046   1.400000   1.400000   0.717143   0.000742   0.268571  -8.639520    540      2
-5.0000E+00   5.477316   1.599766 -99.000000 -22.386915 -99.000000   0.000000   0.268571   0.006139   0.014286   0.057545      3
 2.4850E-03  -3.561517   2.627839 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.182374   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00        max_dt

        300   5.477337   4113.570 -20.989047 -20.989047   1.400000   1.400000   0.717143   0.000742   0.268571  -8.639520    538      2
-5.0000E+00   5.477316   1.599481 -99.000000 -22.386915 -99.000000   0.000000   0.268571   0.006139   0.014286   0.057544      2
 2.9850E-03  -3.561517   2.610532 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.172036   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00        max_dt

 finished doing relax num steps


         50   5.983899   4352.401 -12.558418 -12.558418   1.400000   1.400000   0.717143   0.000742   0.268571  -6.916276    603      0
 3.3784E+00   5.983899   1.060657 -99.000000 -13.956284 -99.000000   0.000000   0.268571   0.006139   0.014286   0.057013      3
 2.1130E+04  -2.053857   1.630923 -99.000000 -99.000000  -7.617153   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00    varcontrol

             relative mass of radiative core still tiny          50    7.8130886177474324D-08
                 finished relax to begin radiative core          82    8.4757668400314394D-03

 finished doing relax_to_radiative_core

                             set_initial_number_retries           0

                                             initial_h1    7.1539999200000004D-01
                                             initial_h2    1.4307999840000000D-05
                                            initial_he3    4.4862352849399999D-05
                                            initial_he4    2.7025513764699999D-01
                                          metals AGSS09
 net name
 kap_option a09
 kap_CO_option a09_co
 kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_a09p
                                        OMP_NUM_THREADS           8


       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

         50   6.560879   4709.622  -5.653929  -5.653929   1.400000   1.400000   0.715414   0.000742   0.270300  -4.908676    681      0
-1.1201E+00   6.560879   0.469515 -99.000000  -7.051754 -99.000000   0.000000   0.270300   0.006139   0.014286   0.057315      5
 4.5497E-01  -0.317272   0.585667 -99.000000 -99.000000  -7.022945   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00  max increase

        100   6.561580   4709.679  -5.646340  -5.646340   1.400000   1.400000   0.715414   0.000742   0.270300  -4.905673    681      0
 2.8389E+00   6.561580   0.468747 -99.000000  -7.044165 -99.000000   0.000000   0.270300   0.006139   0.014286   0.057326      5
 4.1409E+03  -0.314920   0.584153 -99.000000 -99.000000  -7.022099   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00  max increase

save LOGS/ for model 100
save photos/x100 for model 100
        150   6.874485   5158.459  -2.319648  -2.319648   1.400000   1.400000   0.715413   0.000742   0.270300  -2.782677    718      0
 5.5610E+00   6.874485   0.209615 -99.000000  -3.716908 -99.000000   0.000000   0.270302   0.006139   0.014286   0.080660      4
 6.7791E+06   1.068714   0.224004 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.806045   0.000000   0.002531   0.001334   0.014286  0.000E+00    lgRho_cntr

        200   7.250204   6880.073   0.585755   0.585755   1.400000   1.400000   0.706212   0.003712   0.270300  -2.064167    807      0
 6.9993E+00   7.250204   0.140376 -41.109691  -0.979538 -99.000000   0.000000   0.279088   0.006099   0.014286   0.066620     10
 7.3490E+07   1.938744   0.585817 -15.352530 -99.000000  -7.395059   0.000000   0.000016   0.001334   0.014700  0.000E+00  max increase

save LOGS/ for model 200
save photos/x200 for model 200

stop because have dropped below central lower limit for h1
    0.4946740197E+00    0.5000000000E+00

        224   7.292186   6798.209   0.678506   0.678506   1.400000   1.400000   0.494674   0.005271   0.270300  -2.144962    832      0
 7.7284E+00   7.292186   0.197025 -38.372643  -0.707446 -99.000000   0.000000   0.490853   0.004302   0.014286   0.074146     10
 1.3065E+09   2.025245   0.678321 -15.051500 -99.000000  -7.434465   0.000000   0.000027   0.001334   0.014473  0.000E+00      XHe_cntr

save LOGS/ for model 224
                                         solver retries           2

                                    varcontrol dt limit          62
                                  max increase dt limit         490
                                        lgTeff dt limit           3
                                    lgRho_cntr dt limit          12
                                           lgL dt limit          25
                                      XHe_cntr dt limit          12

 model saved to 1.4M_XC_0.5.mod
save photos/x224 for model 224
termination code: xa_central_lower_limit
 successfully used OP_mono opacities

                 runtime (minutes), retries, steps        0.43         0       224

       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

        224   7.292186   6798.209   0.678506   0.678506   1.400000   1.400000   0.494674   0.005271   0.270300  -2.144962    832      0
 7.7284E+00   7.292186   0.197025 -38.372643  -0.707446 -99.000000   0.000000   0.490853   0.004302   0.014286   0.074146     10
 1.3065E+09   2.025245   0.678321 -15.051500 -99.000000  -7.434465   0.000000   0.000027   0.001334   0.014473  0.000E+00  max increase

DATE: 2025-01-08
TIME: 02:17:40
finished inlist_1.4M_ms_initial_model_header
run inlist_1.4M_ms_op_mono_header
DATE: 2025-01-08
TIME: 02:17:40
 reading user weak rate file /n/netscratch/conroy_lab/Lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.BwdES52BCN/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5
 version_number 7232323
 read inlist_1.4M_ms_op_mono
 read inlist_1.4M_ms_op_mono_mombarg
load saved model 1.4M_XC_0.5.mod

                    WARNING -- inlist initial_z ignored    2.0000000000000000D-02
                          using saved initial_z instead    1.4285700000000000D-02

 Opening file...
 Loading OP mono data...
 OP mono data loaded.
 Computing kappa grid for initial mixture.
                               set_initial_model_number           0
                             set_initial_number_retries           0
                                 first_model_for_timing           2
 net name
 kap_option a09
 kap_CO_option a09_co
 kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_a09p
                                        OMP_NUM_THREADS           8


       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 start timing           2

 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.
 Computing kappa grid for core mixture.

stop because model_number >= max_model_number
       10       10

         10   7.313290   6589.602   0.719371   0.719371   1.400000   1.400000   0.363912   0.006506   0.270300  -2.218024    836      0
 7.6383E+00   7.313290   0.244442 -37.114568  -0.566870 -99.000000   0.000000   0.621794   0.002879   0.014286   0.081488     10
 1.9127E+09   2.065803   0.719014 -99.000000 -99.000000  -7.398206   0.000000   0.000036   0.001334   0.014294  0.000E+00      XHe_cntr

save LOGS/ for model 10
save photos/x010 for model 10

                                  max increase dt limit           1
                                      XHe_cntr dt limit           9

 model saved to final.mod
save photos/x010 for model 10

                                                nz               836
                                        nvar_total                14
         species                10
                       total_num_solver_iterations               100
                          timing_num_get_eos_calls            148209
                        timing_num_solve_eos_calls               395
                          timing_num_get_kap_calls             86325

                                           threads                 8

                                             total   11.473    1.000

                                       neu_and_kap    4.600    0.401
                                        hydro_vars    4.013    0.350
                                             solve    1.338    0.117
                                               eos    0.556    0.048
                                               net    0.530    0.046
                                            matrix    0.146    0.013
                                               mlt    0.137    0.012
                                         run1_star    0.099    0.009
                                            remesh    0.035    0.003
                                       evolve_step    0.019    0.002
                                       mixing_info    0.002    0.000

termination code: max_model_number
 successfully used OP_mono opacities

                 runtime (minutes), retries, steps        0.23         0        10

       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

         10   7.313290   6589.602   0.719371   0.719371   1.400000   1.400000   0.363912   0.006506   0.270300  -2.218024    836      0
 7.6383E+00   7.313290   0.244442 -37.114568  -0.566870 -99.000000   0.000000   0.621794   0.002879   0.014286   0.081488     10
 1.9127E+09   2.065803   0.719014 -99.000000 -99.000000  -7.398206   0.000000   0.000036   0.001334   0.014294  0.000E+00      XHe_cntr

DATE: 2025-01-08
TIME: 02:22:31
finished inlist_1.4M_ms_op_mono_header
run inlist_1.4M_ms_op_mono_alt_header
DATE: 2025-01-08
TIME: 02:22:31
 reading user weak rate file /n/netscratch/conroy_lab/Lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.BwdES52BCN/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5
 version_number 7232323
 read inlist_1.4M_ms_op_mono
 read inlist_1.4M_ms_op_mono_alt
load saved model 1.4M_XC_0.5.mod

                    WARNING -- inlist initial_z ignored    2.0000000000000000D-02
                          using saved initial_z instead    1.4285700000000000D-02

 reading OP cache file /n/holystore01/LABS/conroy_lab/Lab/ebauer/github_mesa/op_mono/OP4STARS_1.3/mono/op_mono_cache.bin
 done reading OP cache file
                               set_initial_model_number           0
                             set_initial_number_retries           0
                                 first_model_for_timing           2
 net name
 kap_option a09
 kap_CO_option a09_co
 kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_a09p
                                        OMP_NUM_THREADS           8


       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

 start timing           2

stop because model_number >= max_model_number
       10       10

         10   7.313273   6591.284   0.719342   0.719342   1.400000   1.400000   0.364027   0.006505   0.270300  -2.217961    834      0
 7.6383E+00   7.313273   0.244206 -37.115594  -0.566967 -99.000000   0.000000   0.621679   0.002880   0.014286   0.081480     10
 1.9122E+09   2.065766   0.718986 -14.449440 -99.000000  -7.376280   0.000000   0.000036   0.001334   0.014294  0.000E+00      XHe_cntr

save LOGS/ for model 10
save photos/x010 for model 10

                                  max increase dt limit           1
                                      XHe_cntr dt limit           9

 model saved to final.mod
save photos/x010 for model 10

                                                nz               834
                                        nvar_total                14
         species                10
                       total_num_solver_iterations               100
                          timing_num_get_eos_calls            157110
                        timing_num_solve_eos_calls               373
                          timing_num_get_kap_calls             96302

                                           threads                 8

                                             total   97.292    1.000

                                       neu_and_kap   94.658    0.973
                                             solve    1.093    0.011
                                               net    0.579    0.006
                                               eos    0.414    0.004
                                               mlt    0.150    0.002
                                            matrix    0.146    0.002
                                        hydro_vars    0.114    0.001
                                         run1_star    0.077    0.001
                                            remesh    0.039    0.000
                                       evolve_step    0.020    0.000
                                       mixing_info    0.002    0.000

termination code: max_model_number
 successfully used OP_mono opacities

                 runtime (minutes), retries, steps        2.01         0        10

       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

         10   7.313273   6591.284   0.719342   0.719342   1.400000   1.400000   0.364027   0.006505   0.270300  -2.217961    834      0
 7.6383E+00   7.313273   0.244206 -37.115594  -0.566967 -99.000000   0.000000   0.621679   0.002880   0.014286   0.081480     10
 1.9122E+09   2.065766   0.718986 -14.449440 -99.000000  -7.376280   0.000000   0.000036   0.001334   0.014294  0.000E+00      XHe_cntr

DATE: 2025-01-08
TIME: 02:24:36
finished inlist_1.4M_ms_op_mono_alt_header
1.4M_ms_op_mono run: test string matches after ./rn