DATE: 2025-01-15
TIME: 02:19:23
run inlist_zams_header
DATE: 2025-01-15
TIME: 02:19:23
 reading user weak rate file /n/netscratch/conroy_lab/Lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.cBwq6KFQ2w/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5
 version_number 666737f
 read inlist_zams
 create pre-main-sequence model
                                          species  mass           8    4.0000000000000000D+00

                                        relax_num_steps         300

         50   5.477574   4284.419 -21.384377 -21.384377   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000 -10.643303    495      0
-5.0000E+00   5.477004   2.023357 -99.000000 -22.782245 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.028882      3
 5.0000E-04  -4.435926   3.528975 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.314653   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00        max_dt

        100   5.477576   4201.693 -21.384390 -21.384390   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000 -10.643259    494      0
-5.0000E+00   5.476998   2.023123 -99.000000 -22.782258 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.028882      3
 1.0000E-03  -4.435916   3.494637 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.303551   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00        max_dt

        150   5.477576   4158.763 -21.384395 -21.384395   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000 -10.643251    492      0
-5.0000E+00   5.476997   2.022972 -99.000000 -22.782263 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.028882      2
 1.5000E-03  -4.435913   3.476495 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.296963   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00        max_dt

        200   5.477577   4131.605 -21.384396 -21.384396   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000 -10.643248    491      0
-5.0000E+00   5.476998   2.022861 -99.000000 -22.782264 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.028883      2
 2.0000E-03  -4.435912   3.464890 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.292283   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00        max_dt

        250   5.477577   4112.617 -21.384395 -21.384395   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000 -10.643247    491      0
-5.0000E+00   5.476998   2.022772 -99.000000 -22.782264 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.028883      2
 2.5000E-03  -4.435911   3.456711 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.288703   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00        max_dt

        300   5.477578   4098.584 -21.384393 -21.384393   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000 -10.643246    494      0
-5.0000E+00   5.476998   2.022699 -99.000000 -22.782262 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.028883      2
 3.0000E-03  -4.435910   3.450627 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.285865   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00        max_dt

 finished doing relax num steps


         50   6.026280   4695.479 -12.360140 -12.360140   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000  -8.765752    558      0
 2.9707E+00   6.026280   1.456926 -99.000000 -13.758008 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.028685      3
 8.4567E+03  -2.796999   2.555266 -28.296820 -99.000000  -7.754267   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00    varcontrol

             relative mass of radiative core still tiny          50    7.8128171338703867D-08
                 finished relax to begin radiative core          58    5.6687673882305197D-03

 finished doing relax_to_radiative_core

                             set_initial_number_retries           0
 net name
 kap_option gs98
 kap_CO_option gs98_co
 kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_gs98
                                        OMP_NUM_THREADS           8


       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

         50   6.176651   4879.715 -10.371309 -10.371309   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000  -8.238406    582      0
-1.1201E+00   6.176651   1.302962 -99.000000 -11.769176 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.028760      2
 4.5497E-01  -2.342505   2.314195 -99.000000 -99.000000  -7.611131   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00  max increase
                               rel_E_err    3.6299926607290260D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.7658671053297663

        100   6.206040   4914.374  -9.989535  -9.989535   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000  -8.122507    584      0
 2.8389E+00   6.206040   1.271713 -99.000000 -11.387402 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.028898      3
 4.1409E+03  -2.248095   2.263993 -99.000000 -99.000000  -7.582727   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00  max increase
                               rel_E_err    2.9044017534416835D-12
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.4326857175961152

save LOGS/ for model 100
save photos/x100 for model 100
 retry:  logRho > hydro_mtx_max_allowed_logRho          60     150
        150   6.857661   6713.288  -2.881995  -2.881995   4.000000   4.000000   0.730000   0.000505   0.260000  -4.853159    697      1
 3.8691E+00   6.857661   0.922186 -99.000000  -4.279788 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260000   0.004690   0.010000   0.040566      6
 5.9335E+05   0.148657   2.106806 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.090913   0.000000   0.001723   0.001043   0.010000  0.000E+00         retry
                               rel_E_err    2.2691716960910132D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.8659648732525493

stop because Lnuc_div_L >= Lnuc_div_L_zams_limit
    0.9562508583E+00    0.9000000000E+00

        192   7.425411  1.608E+04   2.426764   2.426764   4.000000   4.000000   0.729073   0.002548   0.260000  -3.683682    869      1
 4.8044E+00   7.425411   0.332975 -33.928588   1.292167 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260652   0.004624   0.010000   0.031132      5
 1.2976E+06   1.505512   2.446193 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.940333   0.000000   0.000022   0.001043   0.010275  0.000E+00  max increase
                               rel_E_err    3.7659706096915682D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.6425423857569541

save LOGS/ for model 192
                                         solver retries           1

                                    varcontrol dt limit          52
                                  max increase dt limit         440
                                        lgTeff dt limit          28
                                    lgRho_cntr dt limit          28

 model saved to zams.mod
save photos/x192 for model 192
termination code: Lnuc_div_L_zams_limit

                 runtime (minutes), retries, steps        0.36         1       192

       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

        192   7.425411  1.608E+04   2.426764   2.426764   4.000000   4.000000   0.729073   0.002548   0.260000  -3.683682    869      1
 4.8044E+00   7.425411   0.332975 -33.928588   1.292167 -99.000000   0.000000   0.260652   0.004624   0.010000   0.031132      5
 1.2976E+06   1.505512   2.446193 -99.000000 -99.000000  -8.940333   0.000000   0.000022   0.001043   0.010275  0.000E+00  max increase
                               rel_E_err    3.7659706096915682D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.6425423857569541

DATE: 2025-01-15
TIME: 02:20:15
finished inlist_zams_header
DATE: 2025-01-15
TIME: 02:20:15
make_zams run: test string matches after ./rn