DATE: 2025-02-15 TIME: 21:50:19 run inlist_pulses_header DATE: 2025-02-15 TIME: 21:50:19 reading user weak rate file /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5 version_number 29ff289 read inlist_pulses read inlist_ppisn read inlist_extra The terminal output contains the following information 'step' is the number of steps since the start of the run, 'lg_dt' is log10 timestep in years, 'age_yr' is the simulated years since the start run, 'lg_Tcntr' is log10 center temperature (K), 'lg_Dcntr' is log10 center density (g/cm^3), 'lg_Tmax' is log10 max temperature (K), 'Teff' is the surface temperature (K), 'lg_R' is log10 surface radius (Rsun), 'lg_L' is log10 surface luminosity (Lsun), 'lg_LH' is log10 total PP and CNO hydrogen burning power (Lsun), 'lg_L3a' is log10 total triple-alpha helium burning power (Lsun), 'lg_gsurf' is log10 surface gravity, 'lg_Lnuc' is log10 nuclear power (Lsun), 'lg_Lneu' is log10 total neutrino power (Lsun), 'lg_Lphoto' is log10 total photodisintegration (Lsun), 'Mass' is the total stellar baryonic mass (Msun), 'lg_Mdot' is log10 magnitude of rate of change of mass (Msun/year), 'lg_Dsurf' is log10 surface density (g/cm^3), 'H_env' is the amount of mass where H is dominant, 'He_core' is the largest mass where He is dominant. 'CO_core' is the largest mass where CO is dominant. 'H_cntr' is the center H1 mass fraction, 'He_cntr' is the center He4 mass fraction, 'C_cntr' is the center C12 mass fraction, 'N_cntr' is the center N14 mass fraction, 'O_cntr' is the center O16 mass fraction, 'Ne_cntr' is the center Ne20 mass fraction, 'gam_cntr' is the center plasma interaction parameter, 'eta_cntr' is the center electron degeneracy parameter, 'zones' is the number of zones in the current model, 'iters' is the number of solver iterations for the current step, 'retry' is the number of step retries required during the run, 'dt_limit' is an indication of what limited the timestep. All this and more are saved in the LOGS directory during the run. load saved model he_dep.mod set special rate factor for r_c12_ag_o16 1 1.0000000000000000 set special rate factor for r_he4_he4_he4_to_c12 10 1.0000000000000000 create rate data for r_c12_ag_o16 create rate data for r_o16_ga_c12 create rate data for r_c12_to_he4_he4_he4 create rate data for r_he4_he4_he4_to_c12 create rate data for r1216_to_mg24 create rate data for r1216_to_si28 create rate data for ral27pa_aux create rate data for ral27pg_aux create rate data for rmg24ap_aux create rate data for rmg24ap_to_si28 create rate data for rmg24gp_aux create rate data for rmg24gp_to_ne20 create rate data for rne20gp_aux create rate data for rne20gp_to_o16 create rate data for ro16gp_to_c12 create rate data for rsi28gp_aux create rate data for rsi28gp_to_mg24 write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/r_c12_ag_o16_0.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/r_o16_ga_c12_0.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/r_c12_to_he4_he4_he4_0.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/r_he4_he4_he4_to_c12_0.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/r1216_to_mg24_1.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/r1216_to_si28_1.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/ral27pa_aux_1.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/ral27pg_aux_1.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/rmg24ap_aux_1.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/rmg24ap_to_si28_1.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/rmg24gp_aux_1.bin write /mnt/home/pmocz/ceph/mesa-git-tests/tmp.z0YmSjc6H3/data/rates_data/cache/rmg24gp_to_ne20_1.bin DATE: 2025-02-15 TIME: 21:50:44 ****************************************************************** failed to create final.mod when running inlist_pulses_header ****************************************************************** ******************** ppisn failed: non-zero exit code ********************