DATE: 2025-01-09
TIME: 02:19:07
run inlist_other_physics_hooks_header
DATE: 2025-01-09
TIME: 02:19:07
 reading user weak rate file /n/netscratch/conroy_lab/Lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fuifYLyXRJ/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5
 version_number 203301c
 read inlist_other_physics_hooks
                                        set_initial_age    0.0000000000000000D+00
                                                set_age    0.0000000000000000D+00
                               set_initial_model_number           0
                             set_initial_number_retries           0
 net name
                            set_cumulative_energy_error    0.0000000000000000D+00
 kap_option gs98
 kap_CO_option gs98_co
 kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_gs98
                                        OMP_NUM_THREADS           8


       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

 use Kudritzki wind
save LOGS/ for model 1
         10   7.134747   5628.387  -0.159156  -0.159156   1.000000   1.000000   0.696837   0.004155   0.280000  -1.708050    794      0
 5.7126E+00   7.134747  -0.049594 -47.141792  -1.776310 -14.454349   0.000000   0.282714   0.009380   0.020000   0.086106      3
 2.5959E+06   1.914551  -0.142958 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.709328   0.000000   0.000752   0.002085   0.020449  0.000E+00  max increase
                               rel_E_err    2.6347712329631395D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.9772239932870566

         20   7.135746   5636.838  -0.143240  -0.143240   1.000000   1.000000   0.695733   0.004694   0.280000  -1.697195    789      0
 6.5044E+00   7.135746  -0.050532 -47.071589  -1.774014 -14.451566   0.000000   0.283741   0.009380   0.020000   0.086390      5
 1.8669E+07   1.920780  -0.142228 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.710293   0.000000   0.000290   0.002085   0.020526  0.000E+00  max increase
                               rel_E_err    2.6047239622788659D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.8834510955791117

set_other_timestep retry because of timestep limit check_rotation_steps_limit      29
 retry      29
         30   7.135897   5644.378  -0.137080  -0.137080   1.000000   1.000000   0.690053   0.005015   0.280000  -1.680428    983      1
 6.8191E+00   7.135897  -0.049078 -47.020747  -1.785145 -14.443040   0.000000   0.289376   0.009379   0.020000   0.087219      5
 9.6758E+07   1.929317  -0.136999 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.713786   0.000000   0.000016   0.002085   0.020572  0.000E+00   other_limit
                               rel_E_err    3.2521864307150715D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.7915501618054162

         40   7.136127   5645.455  -0.136000  -0.136000   1.000000   1.000000   0.688282   0.005017   0.280000  -1.678955    983      1
 6.0306E+00   7.136127  -0.048715 -47.000834  -1.786427 -14.440867   0.000000   0.291146   0.009378   0.020000   0.087355      5
 1.2099E+08   1.930717  -0.135941 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.714465   0.000000   0.000015   0.002085   0.020572  0.000E+00   other_limit
                               rel_E_err    2.9813882838568257D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.7168972649564651

set_other_timestep retry because of timestep limit check_dlgT_change      42
 retry: check_dlgT_change hard limit      33      42
         50   7.136199   5645.317  -0.135713  -0.135713   1.000000   1.000000   0.687702   0.005017   0.280000  -1.678526    808      2
 6.1387E+00   7.136199  -0.048553 -46.994471  -1.786785 -14.440425   0.000000   0.291727   0.009378   0.020000   0.087398      5
 1.2893E+08   1.931150  -0.135658 -15.954590 -99.000000  -6.714615   0.000000   0.000014   0.002085   0.020572  0.000E+00  max increase
                               rel_E_err    2.7476935772603856D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.6720787217073543

save LOGS/ for model 50
save photos/x050 for model 50
         60   7.136632   5646.967  -0.134075  -0.134075   0.999999   0.999999   0.684565   0.005018   0.280000  -1.676636    808      2
 6.9305E+00   7.136632  -0.047987 -46.957927  -1.787859 -14.438140   0.000000   0.294863   0.009377   0.020000   0.087618      5
 1.7180E+08   1.933375  -0.134020 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.715667   0.000000   0.000014   0.002085   0.020572  0.000E+00  max increase
                               rel_E_err    2.6823616744479163D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.6212356192067539

         70   7.139521   5656.096  -0.125558  -0.125558   0.999998   0.999998   0.665067   0.005023   0.280000  -1.667973    809      2
 7.7224E+00   7.139521  -0.045124 -46.720381  -1.785757 -14.426219   0.000000   0.314362   0.009371   0.020000   0.088908     10
 4.3727E+08   1.946278  -0.125488 -15.653560 -99.000000  -6.721219   0.000000   0.000015   0.002085   0.020571  0.000E+00  max increase
                               rel_E_err    2.5408794289573069D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.5765787018261399

         80   7.146482   5675.466  -0.107957  -0.107957   0.999996   0.999996   0.620530   0.005037   0.280000  -1.650019    810      2
 7.7782E+00   7.146482  -0.039291 -46.169713  -1.769606 -14.397474   0.000000   0.358901   0.009354   0.020000   0.091964     10
 1.0373E+09   1.975757  -0.107882 -15.653560 -99.000000  -6.732924   0.000000   0.000015   0.002085   0.020569  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.6211893812973591D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.5367029703722146

         90   7.153912   5694.222  -0.090325  -0.090325   0.999994   0.999994   0.575312   0.005059   0.280000  -1.631050    810      2
 7.7782E+00   7.153912  -0.033340 -45.607192  -1.749225 -14.368507   0.000000   0.404123   0.009329   0.020000   0.095363     10
 1.6373E+09   2.006869  -0.090249 -15.176439 -99.000000  -6.744856   0.000000   0.000016   0.002085   0.020565  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.5502090142605930D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.5011597444516802


       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

        100   7.161853   5712.475  -0.072180  -0.072180   0.999991   0.999991   0.529311   0.005090   0.280000  -1.610624    811      2
 7.7782E+00   7.161853  -0.027048 -45.029049  -1.726275 -14.338729   0.000000   0.450128   0.009292   0.020000   0.099183     10
 2.2373E+09   2.039894  -0.072106 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.757279   0.000000   0.000016   0.002085   0.020561  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.5757289155417413D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.4676905286339519

save LOGS/ for model 100
save photos/x100 for model 100
        110   7.170376   5730.133  -0.053375  -0.053375   0.999988   0.999988   0.482382   0.005138   0.280000  -1.588431    811      2
 7.7782E+00   7.170376  -0.020328 -44.430251  -1.700809 -14.307875   0.000000   0.497065   0.009236   0.020000   0.103527     10
 2.8373E+09   2.075175  -0.053304 -15.653560 -99.000000  -6.770247   0.000000   0.000017   0.002085   0.020554  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.6030944050079978D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.4373036199343385

        120   7.179537   5746.957  -0.033835  -0.033835   0.999985   0.999985   0.434329   0.005211   0.280000  -1.564230    807      2
 7.7782E+00   7.179537  -0.013107 -43.806011  -1.672523 -14.275814   0.000000   0.545128   0.009152   0.020000   0.108529     10
 3.4373E+09   2.112971  -0.033768 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.783754   0.000000   0.000018   0.002085   0.020543  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.5262234153614790D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.4093652348496377

        130   7.189441   5762.762  -0.013511  -0.013511   0.999982   0.999982   0.384908   0.005325   0.280000  -1.537602    805      2
 7.7782E+00   7.189441  -0.005333 -43.150915  -1.640952 -14.242461   0.000000   0.594566   0.009020   0.020000   0.114382     10
 4.0373E+09   2.153774  -0.013450 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.797775   0.000000   0.000019   0.002085   0.020526  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.8249527713746960D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3834957675764681

        140   7.200204   5777.246   0.007630   0.007630   0.999978   0.999978   0.333821   0.005506   0.280000  -1.508304    804      2
 7.7782E+00   7.200204   0.003053 -42.457896  -1.605517 -14.207757   0.000000   0.645679   0.008810   0.020000   0.121347     10
 4.6373E+09   2.197998   0.007684 -15.653560 -99.000000  -6.812259   0.000000   0.000021   0.002085   0.020500  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.4827141137264736D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3591705134542948

        150   7.211924   5789.954   0.029612   0.029612   0.999974   0.999974   0.280784   0.005796   0.280000  -1.475148    804      2
 7.7782E+00   7.211924   0.012130 -41.720256  -1.565577 -14.171663   0.000000   0.698759   0.008475   0.020000   0.129849     10
 5.2373E+09   2.246499   0.029655 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.827115   0.000000   0.000023   0.002085   0.020457  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.3938918915103134D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3367872903888554

save LOGS/ for model 150
save photos/x150 for model 150

stop because have dropped below central lower limit for h1
    0.2479206665E+00    0.2500000000E+00

        156   7.219480   5796.438   0.043208   0.043208   0.999972   0.999972   0.247921   0.006048   0.280000  -1.453073    803      2
 7.7782E+00   7.219480   0.017952 -41.252858  -1.539179 -14.149328   0.000000   0.731659   0.008185   0.020000   0.135918     10
 5.5973E+09   2.277946   0.043243 -15.352530 -99.000000  -6.836147   0.000000   0.000025   0.002085   0.020421  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.4200568922144427D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3240820170684664

save LOGS/ for model 156
                                    other_limit retries           2

                                    varcontrol dt limit           1
                                  max increase dt limit         141
                                   other_limit dt limit          14

 model saved to final.mod
save photos/x156 for model 156
termination code: xa_central_lower_limit

                 runtime (minutes), retries, steps        0.66         2       156

       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

        156   7.219480   5796.438   0.043208   0.043208   0.999972   0.999972   0.247921   0.006048   0.280000  -1.453073    803      2
 7.7782E+00   7.219480   0.017952 -41.252858  -1.539179 -14.149328   0.000000   0.731659   0.008185   0.020000   0.135918     10
 5.5973E+09   2.277946   0.043243 -15.352530 -99.000000  -6.836147   0.000000   0.000025   0.002085   0.020421  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.4200568922144427D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3240820170684664

DATE: 2025-01-09
TIME: 02:19:51
finished inlist_other_physics_hooks_header
DATE: 2025-01-09
TIME: 02:19:51
other_physics_hooks run: test string matches after ./rn
restart from x100
DATE: 2025-01-09
TIME: 02:19:51
 reading user weak rate file /n/netscratch/conroy_lab/Lab/ebauer/mesa-git-tests/tmp.fuifYLyXRJ/data/rates_data/rate_tables/S13_r_be7_wk_li7.h5
 version_number 203301c
 read inlist_other_physics_hooks
 read restart_photo
 net name
 kap_option gs98
 kap_CO_option gs98_co
 kap_lowT_option lowT_fa05_gs98
                                        OMP_NUM_THREADS           8


       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

        110   7.170376   5730.133  -0.053375  -0.053375   0.999988   0.999988   0.482382   0.005138   0.280000  -1.588431    811      2
 7.7782E+00   7.170376  -0.020328 -44.430251  -1.700809 -14.307875   0.000000   0.497065   0.009236   0.020000   0.103527     10
 2.8373E+09   2.075175  -0.053304 -15.653560 -99.000000  -6.770247   0.000000   0.000017   0.002085   0.020554  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.6030944050079978D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.4373036199343385

        120   7.179537   5746.957  -0.033835  -0.033835   0.999985   0.999985   0.434329   0.005211   0.280000  -1.564230    807      2
 7.7782E+00   7.179537  -0.013107 -43.806011  -1.672523 -14.275814   0.000000   0.545128   0.009152   0.020000   0.108529     10
 3.4373E+09   2.112971  -0.033768 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.783754   0.000000   0.000018   0.002085   0.020543  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.5262234153614790D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.4093652348496377

        130   7.189441   5762.762  -0.013511  -0.013511   0.999982   0.999982   0.384908   0.005325   0.280000  -1.537602    805      2
 7.7782E+00   7.189441  -0.005333 -43.150915  -1.640952 -14.242461   0.000000   0.594566   0.009020   0.020000   0.114382     10
 4.0373E+09   2.153774  -0.013450 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.797775   0.000000   0.000019   0.002085   0.020526  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.8249527713746960D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3834957675764681

        140   7.200204   5777.246   0.007630   0.007630   0.999978   0.999978   0.333821   0.005506   0.280000  -1.508304    804      2
 7.7782E+00   7.200204   0.003053 -42.457896  -1.605517 -14.207757   0.000000   0.645679   0.008810   0.020000   0.121347     10
 4.6373E+09   2.197998   0.007684 -15.653560 -99.000000  -6.812259   0.000000   0.000021   0.002085   0.020500  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.4827141137264736D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3591705134542948

        150   7.211924   5789.954   0.029612   0.029612   0.999974   0.999974   0.280784   0.005796   0.280000  -1.475148    804      2
 7.7782E+00   7.211924   0.012130 -41.720256  -1.565577 -14.171663   0.000000   0.698759   0.008475   0.020000   0.129849     10
 5.2373E+09   2.246499   0.029655 -99.000000 -99.000000  -6.827115   0.000000   0.000023   0.002085   0.020457  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.3938918915103134D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3367872903888554

save LOGS/ for model 150
save photos/x150 for model 150

stop because have dropped below central lower limit for h1
    0.2479206665E+00    0.2500000000E+00

        156   7.219480   5796.438   0.043208   0.043208   0.999972   0.999972   0.247921   0.006048   0.280000  -1.453073    803      2
 7.7782E+00   7.219480   0.017952 -41.252858  -1.539179 -14.149328   0.000000   0.731659   0.008185   0.020000   0.135918     10
 5.5973E+09   2.277946   0.043243 -15.352530 -99.000000  -6.836147   0.000000   0.000025   0.002085   0.020421  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.4200568922144427D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3240820170684664

save LOGS/ for model 156
                                    other_limit retries           2

                                    varcontrol dt limit           1
                                  max increase dt limit         141
                                   other_limit dt limit          14

 model saved to final.mod
save photos/x156 for model 156
termination code: xa_central_lower_limit

       step    lg_Tmax     Teff     lg_LH      lg_Lnuc     Mass       H_rich     H_cntr     N_cntr     Y_surf   eta_cntr   zones  retry
  lg_dt_yrs    lg_Tcntr    lg_R     lg_L3a     lg_Lneu     lg_Mdot    He_core    He_cntr    O_cntr     Z_surf   gam_cntr   iters  
    age_yrs    lg_Dcntr    lg_L     lg_LZ      lg_Lphoto   lg_Dsurf   CO_core    C_cntr     Ne_cntr    Z_cntr   v_div_cs       dt_limit

        156   7.219480   5796.438   0.043208   0.043208   0.999972   0.999972   0.247921   0.006048   0.280000  -1.453073    803      2
 7.7782E+00   7.219480   0.017952 -41.252858  -1.539179 -14.149328   0.000000   0.731659   0.008185   0.020000   0.135918     10
 5.5973E+09   2.277946   0.043243 -15.352530 -99.000000  -6.836147   0.000000   0.000025   0.002085   0.020421  0.000E+00        max_dt
                               rel_E_err    2.4200568922144427D-13
                       log_rel_run_E_err      -10.3240820170684664

DATE: 2025-01-09
TIME: 02:20:10
other_physics_hooks restart: checksum for final.mod matches after ./re x100